Wednesday, October 01, 2008


Prayers for Dorthy 

This old squirrel is saying his prayers for Dorthy and Son.  Prayers also go out for all those men and women in harms way.  May you all come home safe.  


  1. This is Dorothy.
    I cannot thank this little squirrel and Bob enough for the prayers. We really need them here in Alabama where our family is going through these storms of life.
    This was the most thoughtful can caring thing you could have done Bob. I love the way God has used this wonderful animal to give me hope and joy in my heart. I needed this today. You will be truly blessed. Words cannot express how much this has touched me.
    You will be blessed.. Thank you so much.......

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Thank you Bob for sending this ray of hope out to Dorothy.
