The weather has been so odd this spring says Bubba. First, it was later in coming. Then, when it did come, we had a really high temperature warm spell. Second, we now have had a spell of colder than normal weather. Third, it's been the windiest and breeziest spring, I can remember says the old squirrel.
I was up this evening late do to an attack of insomnia. While watching the flyers and listening to the noise from the road. It's terrible, the amount of trucks and cars that have no mufflers or loud mufflers. Here I am in the interior of Alaska and you wouldn't believe the noise pollution we are subjected too. It seems there is so many here that believe the manly thing to have is a loud truck or car. They rev the engines and speed down the road as fast as they can making as much noise as they can. Spoiling the very thing we long to have by living in the such unspoiled beauty that Alaska is suppose to represent. Living here as long as I have, I've come to some conclusions. The end of the roaders have taken over. They brought everything they are trying to escape from here with them so they won't feel so alone. Sad but true and now they are Alaskans living the dream. More like a nightmare of noise and inconsideration for others.