Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Tuesdays Double Dose of Squirrel Love

Todays double dose of squirrel goodness, fresh from the Permafrost Ranch in down town North Pole, Alaska. Don't forget to stop and watch the cams at www.thesquirrelcam.com We do appreciate your watching and writing to tell us you are.


  1. Right on! Severe cuteness... great to check out your blog!

  2. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I do not always write, however I daily come by to look at your critters. I am at the Alaska Bar Convention (Lawyers not barkeeps. LOL) in Fairbanks and managed to dodge a Red Squirrel between North Pole and Delta Junction... Even had to stop for a small (8-12) herd of Caribou between Tetlin Junction and Northway Junction. Love your State.
