Sunday, June 22, 2008

Solstice Day

Yesterday was Summer Solstice, and it was one of the warmest days of summer so far. Living in the far north has it's advantages and the one that I love the most is the long hours of daylight. There is a photographers or videographers term that this time of the year brings to my mind. It's called the golden hours. It's those hours of daylight, before sunrise and sunset. It's a special light with the sun low on the horizon. Living here in North Pole, the sun makes a long slow circle of the sky and it barely sets before it rises again. What it does is lengthen that time that the golden hour exist. The longest day of the year was a pleasure just to sit and watch the squirrels here on the Permafrost Ranch. Don't tell anyone, but Alaska is a very special place to be in the glow of those long golden hours of daylight.

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